Our Safety Protocols

Learn more about how we minimize the spread of infection and the risk of COVID-19 transmission

At Ballas Dental Care, we hold the highest standards of sterilization to protect our patients and staff. We test and check our equipment weekly. In consideration to our patients with latex allergies, we are proud to say we are a latex-free office!

You should anticipate noticing the following protective efforts when you enter our practice:

* All patients answer the questionnaire prior to arrival.  
* Increased efforts to disinfect throughout our office.
* Increased disinfecting protocols in our exam rooms.
* Face mask and gloves properly worn.
* Increased PPE for all staff providing dental care.
* Aerosol control through High Volume Evacuation (HVE) during all procedures.

In addition to our efforts, we ask for your cooperation and support with the following temporary safety measures as we work through this ever-changing situation:

* Wait in vehicle and call us when you arrive 314-432-5544
* We will go over a COVID-19 health screening with you.
* Immediately use hand sanitizer upon arrival.
* Have your temperature taken.
* Maintain social distance.
* Please do not bring friends/relatives with you to waiting room.