man in orange button down shirt wearing glasses, sitting in living room, smiling

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Team Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry is a term used to describe any dental procedure that restores strength, function, and appearance to teeth that are compromised or lost. At Ballas Dental Care, we specialize in providing exceptional restorative dental …

female patient getting sedated for dental procedure

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Team Sedation Dentistry

Many patients in the St. Louis area choose Ballas Dental Care for our expertise in sedation dentistry. If you have dental anxiety or phobia, sedation dentistry can allow you to get the care you need. …

Welcome to Our New Site!

Scott Blog Post

Welcome to our new website! Check back for updates to our blog to get the latest news and information for our office. We are delighted that you chose to visit our site today and look …